Lesson Intro

Below are only a few of the many movements a Graphologist looks at to prepare an analysis. Please bear in mind that the interpretations given are only an indication of how a person will actually appear. There are many factors that a Graphologist considers when building up a picture of an individual. Movements affect one-another and the Graphologist's skill is in knowing what applies and what does not. It takes years of study to acquire this knowledge which I hope will inspire you to learn more about this fascinating subject.

Lesson 1: Size and Slant
Lesson 2: Pressure
Lesson 3: Baselines
Lesson 4: Signatures

Size & Slant

- Has a reserved and modest nature, ability to concentrate and be alone.

- An extravert, someone is confident and outgoing, likes the company of others.

- Often self-conscious but can appear confident. Tends to be cautious, reserved with traditional values.

- Independent and self-sufficient. Puts head before the heart and is able to see both sides of an argument.

- Sociable and seeks contact with others. Actively seeking goals with trust in the future.


Pressure in handwriting indicates the amount of natural energy and vitality available to the writer. It can be assessed by turning the page over to the blank side and rubbing your figures over the indentations formed by the depth of stroke. If the indentations are easily felt, then the pressure is likely to be heavy but if there is nothing to feel, then the pressure is probably light. Somewhere in between indicates medium pressure, although it takes a trained Graphologist to make an accurate assessment.

- Strong energy levels, vitality, endurance and self-control.

Baseline Direction

- A rising baseline typically indicates optimism, enthusiasm, and a strong response to new ideas.

- A horizontal baseline typically indicates a strong sense of self-control and balance.

- A falling baseline can describe an individual with tiredness or even depression and/or illness.


The signature is important as it represents the image that the person likes to project, whereas the main body of text is how the person actually is.

Signature larger than the text and underlined.

- The writer likes to appear confident and seeks recognition for their efforts.
Signature smaller than the text.

- The writer prefers to keep a low profile and tends to be rather modest.

Watch out for anyone that puts a full-stop at the end as they generally like to have the last word.

- Balanced amount of energy and vitality used positively.

- Sensitive and adaptable but can lack stamina.


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