Criminal Justice

Forgeries/Malicious Letters

Graphology is used in the detection of forgeries or malicious letters. The analyst compares samples of writing with the ‘suspect’ sample in order to pick out similarities in letter shapes, layout and much more.

Detecting Likely Criminals

It is not possible to neatly categorise the criminal mind into types. This is because many people have the capability of antisocial behaviour in certain circumstances. Generally, it is a combination of a certain personal characteristics at an opportune moment that leads to a criminal act. Graphology helps to determine personality problems and hostility which may result in anti-social behaviour, violence, deceit, theft, forgery etc. It is because handwriting reflects the writer's inner responses and true feelings that it is useful for the identification of likely criminal behaviour. It is interesting to note that it is possible for criminals to be involved in more than one type of crime as their ethics have been lowered. Therefore, a multitude of organisations benefit from screening of individuals, e.g. law enforcement authorities, secret service agents, private detectives, companies in personnel selection and the police in criminal investigations.


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