Continue designing life to the next level!
Continue making changes to reach your goals!
Be a Master Practitioner of NLP!
Learning it is something,
doing it is exceptional,
mastering it is a class of it’s own!
Acquire the mastery of designing your life and others with the next level of Neuro-Linguistic


It's your previlige! NOW!
Join those around the world who have had the previlege of achieving the mastery level in Neuro-Linguistic ProgrammingTM
Stand out! NOW!
Stand out among the practitioners in your field and be more effective in your thinking and behavior today! Get more of what
you want more often with the mastery. The deeper down the rabbit hole you go, a lot more of learning to do, a lot more
knowledge to gain. The learning is in the doing. While other can only dream of it, you can manifest it, right now!

What you will learn and earn?
You probably have attended ours or others NLP Practitioner course and wondering how you can put together all that you
have learned and practiced.
How would you consider to engineer your own techniques using what you have learned as the base?
It's Creativity and It's So Simple!
Flexibility is what you need! How about the ability to handle just about everything that comes along?
How about the resiliance to see through most of the challenges you and others face in life?
It’s time to put all the pieces together!
Your inner magic is waiting to be tapped! Learn and master NLP in even more fun and easier way then the first time you
learned it!

Here are just some things you will add to your mastery of NLP in this blockbusting program:
• Use the language that your client is presenting to help them make changes!
• Use The Sleight of Mouth techniques to infl
• Master the Meta Programs to understand people and influence them at the higher level!
• Use Time & Space predicates and use their predicates back nonverbally!
• Use Conversational Hypnosis!
• Challenge the Presuppositions in their language for the most critical fulcrum of change!
• Future Pace so that it works for them in the Future!
• Identify and shift Values!
• Use Logical Level of change to identify challenges and troubleshoot them!
• Sell your ideas and products more influentially in selling, negotiating, or public speaking!
And there are more!

What else would you master?
We assume that you have learned and practiced the followings to design your life or others. Even if you haven’t practiced
them to perfection or if you didn’t learn them from us, you will learn again and master them!
• Changing or Eliminating Inappropriate or Undesirable Behaviors
• Improving Interpersonal Communication Skills
• Resolving Internal Conflicts
• Using Altered States for Behavioral Change
• Establishing Deep Levels of Rapport
• Developing Meaningful Goals & Clear Strategies for Attainment
• Accessing & Recognizing Altered States of Consciousness
• Understanding Non-Verbal Cues & Language Patterns
• Inducing Altered States in Others through Both Verbal & Non-Verbal Techniques
• Bringing Limiting Beliefs & Structure into Conscious Awareness for Transformation
• Accessing Resourceful States of Competence & Confidence (States of Excellence)
• Utilizing TimeLines to Access Resource States for Building New Directions

How do we train you?
We use some lectures and lots of interactional exercises and demonstrations. People in the program actually practice the
skills with each other in a safe environment. You'll get to try out each new skill first, then we put together the pieces.
If you are a Practitioner trained with us before, you already know how we do it. If you haven’t trained with us before, here are
some things about how you learn from us:
• We encourage humor and fun learning
• We encourage originality
• We encourage creativity and flexibility

Who or what will certify you?
You will be licensed by Dr. Richard Bandler, the co-creator of NLP . Your certificate will be
signed by Dr. Richard Bandler, John LaValle, MBA, as The President of The Society of NLP, and Hingdranata Nikolay, The
Licensed Trainer of NLP from NLP Indonesia !

What other privileges you’ll get?
By being a Licensed Master Practitioner of NLP, you are one step closer to become a Licensed Trainer of NLP ! This
certification is accepted and recognized by every institutions around the world under The Society of NLP . And you are
welcome to learn directly from Dr. Richard Bandler!

What is the requirement to enroll?
A Practitioner Level Certification is a must. You must be a Licensed Practitioner of NLP to enroll in this course. A copy of
your NLP certificate is necessary as administration requirement.
We welcome graduates from other institution under The Society of NLP .
We encourage you to bring your sense of humor and adventure to the class!

Practitioner certification from other institution?
What if you took your Practitioner course with other institution? Would you be eligible to enroll?
We understand that you have made the best decision based on the best available resources you had at the time.
We also understand that you now have made another decision with us, or else you won’t be reading as far as this section.
So contact us still, and allow our staffs to let you know how we can help you enroll in this course. Some adjustment and
orientation might be needed.

Who Will Train You?
The program will be facilitated by: HINGDRANATA NIKOLAY.
Hingdranata is the first Licensed Trainer of NLP under Dr. Richard Bandler's The Society of NLP in Indonesia. Hingdranata
has been practiced NLP for more than 7 years, in the area of business, family, human development and education, therapy,
counseling, and coaching. He combines NLP juices with his more than 15 years of experience in business and
management. He follows the ways of teaching of Dr. Richard Bandler, which involving FUN, enjoyment, provocation,
inspiration and no-nonsense.

How to register?
Contact us to get your registration form and other information regarding the course.

Mark Your Calendar!
Class 1 - 7 Days - June 22-28, 2009
Class 2 - Weekend format - June 13,14,20,21,26,27,28, 2009
The typical days at the program will be 8 to 10 hours. The program starts 08:30 WIB.

N O W ! Reserve Your Seat!

Seats are filled out very quickly. No kidding! NOW, make sure you get your seat!
You have been waiting and waiting, searching, hesitating, frustrating, NOW it's time to fulfill your desire and GO FOR IT!
A C T N O W !
Contact our Client Relation at
for your information package and registration form.
Or by email to:

Get Your Information Package and Register NOW!

Centre for Neuro-Linguistic Programming in Indonesia
Information Package and Registration Form Request
PRACTITIONER OF NLP", please send me the information
package with Registration Form, to the following address.

Your name:

Your email address:

Your contact number:

Your full address:

Where did you get your Practitioner certification?


Trainer's name

(Only for Practitioners from institutions other then NLP INDONESIA)
I'm willing to join 1 day of material adjustment class.


Neuro-Linguistic Programming (NLP) is licensed under Dr. Richard Bandler.
Kondominium Rajawali, Town House No.20, Jl. Rajawali Selatan I/1B, Jakarta Pusat 10720
Phone / Facsimile: +6221-64700221 / +6221-64700422
Information request:, in-house/training inquiries:


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