Saturday, June 11, 2005
Directions for comsumption

Directions for consumption: When consuming Melilea Greenfield Organic, always use 350ml cold water or lukewarm water not exceeding 15°C, mixed with 1 tablespoon of Melilea Greenfield Organic. Stir and drink immediately (you can also mix it with your favourite soyabean, juice or honey for better taste). Drink another glass of plain water within half an hour after this consumption to replace your bodily fluids.

Suggested use﹕

If you desire to maintain optimum health, consume twice daily, once in the morning and at night, half an hour before breakfast and dinner.

If you are consuming this to recover from illness, you need to consume at least three time daily, half an hour before breakfast, lunch and dinner; or at any other times. The quantity taken will depend on your individual needs, ranging from one to three tablespoons.

This can also be consumed as a meal replacement for breakfast, lunch and dinner or at any time to cure hunger pangs. For those who desire and dinner. This will ensure rapid weight loss without the loss of essential nutrients.

posted by melilea @ 10:36 PM 5 comments
Formulated by renowned researcher

Formulated by renowned researcher,Dr Henry Chang

Dr. Henry Chang is an eminent practitioner of The Organic Lifestyle (TOL), who has contributed to the development of organic foods and natural healing all around the world. He is recognised for his indepth works and successful product formulations, even initiating and forming the Organic United Nations Friendship Association (OUNFA) in 1994.

posted by melilea @ 10:34 PM 0 comments
3 most potent efficacies!

Integrating the world's 3 most potent efficacies!

1. The Functions of Organic food: Organic food includes more than twenty types of vegetables, fruits and cereals that are derived using the latest and most sophisticated technologies. The knowledge pertaining to the development and consumption of organic food stems from several renowned organic food purveyors who have conceptualized the theory based on the body's optimum dietary requirements. Such knowledge has provided our body access to a wonderful treasure trove of botanical nutrients. At the same time, these are also the gateway to detoxification and internal colon cleansing benefits.

2. The functions of naturopathy: This is based on unique ingredients that react internally to remove toxins from the body. It is envisaged that people become ill due to the accumulation of toxins in the body. Therefore, detoxification is an integral part of the body's natural healing system. Melilea Greenfield Organic is the revolutionary breakthrough as a result of this philosophy. It is also the most powerful and fastest detoxifier in the world. Anyone, after consuming this for three days, will normally experience a new sphere of internal cleansing. For those who are severely afflicted with toxins in the body, their excretions may tend to smell bad and they may need to visit the toilet frequently. For those who are better off, the bowel cleansing habit will improve. After visiting the toilet, you will feel more relaxed and at ease. Melilea Greenfield Organic cleanses your body thoroughly, rejuvenating from within towards natural recuperation.

3. The functions of natural healing philosophy: 2500 years ago, the father of medical theory, Hippocrates said, "Natural healing should be foundation of medicine. Doctors should only aid in the natural healing process". The meaning of the statement sums up everything aptly; that 'the best medicine is food, especially organic food'. Melilea Greenfield Organic is the revolutionary breakthrough of modern medical theory. It combines the unique detoxification theory and the benefits of organic food to promote natural healing. This forms the basis of natural healing in the future, free from medicine.

Ideal for all ages & conditions

Normal condition
Cancer patients
Prenatal or postnatal
Weak immune system
Overweight or underweight
Rheumatism, arthritis or varicosity
Weak liver, intestines and stomach
Longevity seekers  
Senile plaque, freckles or pimples
Irregular menses or menopause
Before or after surgery
Pre-aging or general weakness
Patients of chronic diseases
Constipation or haemorrhoid

posted by melilea @ 10:32 PM 0 comments
Enjoy organic-based supplement food

Enjoy organic-based health that's free from pollution - direct to you from MELILEA GREENFIELD ORGANIC

Melilea Greenfield Organic Nutrition & Revitalex - The rudiments of organic healing are based on pollution-free food. There are made from more then 20 types of 5-star "Zero-Pollution" ingredients including organic golden grains, organic vegetables, organic fruits and organic herbs. Notable organic food experts have come together to conduct in-depth research and analysis of such botanicals and have uncovered the following fact - that such organic botanicals offer wonderful detoxification functions besides expelling unwanted fat from the body. The result is total cleansing and detoxification of the whole body. At the same time, these can also provide nourishment to the body system, balance the hormonal system, strengthen the immune system and also enhance the body's internal organs, while maintaining ideal health equilibrium.

All unwanted wastes would be naturally excreted from the body, propelling the body system towards an optimum state of health. It has been proven that only Melilea Greenfield Organic is highly effective in promoting such integral functions for the body. Long-term consumption is the essence of a complete cleansing regimen for the body.

After all, Melilea Greenfield Organic products are the mainstay in the form of internal body cleansing agents, containing the most potent detoxification agents.

posted by melilea @ 10:31 PM 1 comments
The roots of all diseases

The roots of all diseases

It is a normal inclination for man to fall ill. This is common because there are many toxins may originate from the air around us while the food that we consume may be derived from polluted sources. These often contain artificial preservatives, colourings, man-made fragrances and anti-depressants etc. Reared animals and cultivated plants, during the stages of growth, would probably be exposed to chemical-infused fertilisers and pesticides. When human beings ingest such additives or breathe in the vapours from these elements, toxins will gradually accumulate in the body cells and immune system. Finally, these will be vested in the bloodstream, thus destroying the digestive system (stomach, intestines and colons), filteration system (liver and endocrine system (pituitary gland, adrenal gland, thyroid gland), bring about side effects such as illnesses.

In the organic healing philosophy, man's health may be affected by a myriad of syndromes. The causes are toxins and these toxins should never be left behind in the body, thus affecting the functions of the digestion system and in the long run, may cause about serious illnesses....thereby jeopardising health.

Growing Organic

Organic cultivation requires pollution-free soil. Before farming can be done, the land has to be left idle for 2 - 7 years. This is to ensure that the soil is not exposed to chemical or environmental pollution. Commonly, standard cultivation processes of plants will additives to accelerate growth or the usage of artificial fertilisers and pesticides - this is strictly prohibited in organic farming. The surrounding land must also be free from pollution to avoid contaminating the area allocated for cultivation. This is to assure that the food that is produced from this cultivated area is of the purest quality possible.

The stages of harvesting, processing and packaging, including all stages of production, should be strictly controlled to avoid contamination of chemicals such as colouring, preservatives and anti-depressants. If this is controlled and enables throughout every stage of the production, end products can then be categorised as 100% free from poollution.

The principles behind organic food & lifestyle

In the last 25 years, more than 200 American organic food pioneer set up their own organic farm in Arizona as they preached and lived a zero-pollution lifestyle. In reality, this marks the beginning of the organic food revolution.

The meaning of the word "organic" is contradictory to the rudiments of modern technologies, which may carry with them negative constituents that may hamper the health of humans. Organic food principles are destined to be the 21st century's primary steering agents towards healthy living.

Human beings in today's civilisation should use the most natural organic farming methods in order to enjoy the basic health benefits as well as in fighting the new epidemics of these times. The natural healing philosophy states that "The best food is the best medicine, and the best food is organic food".

The natural healing philosophy banks upon the adoption of natural methods to cure ailments. It is deemed that doctors are merely assisting the healing process. Such important methods will be, in the future, the basis for preventing sicknesses in future, especially those commonly prevalent illnesses.

If you realised that your internal body system is vital for your health, then you should certainly adhere to the most natural form of lifestyles. This is what we call natural healing.

posted by melilea @ 10:27 PM 0 comments
Positive Reaction After Consuming

Positive Reaction After Consuming Melilea Greenfield Organic

Short-Term: Use for 3-6 days

1. Frequent elimination, frequent visits to the toilet and the excretion of excess blockages from the colon tracts.
2. Stomach discomfort and excessive gas. This is a natural detoxification reaction in the body.
3. If your body pH value is acidic or if you have suffered from previous illnesses, your body's weaker areas may experience pain.

Medium-Term: Use for 6-45 days

Lowers the water content in the colon and reduces the toxin content in faeces.
Prevents unwanted toxins from being absorbed into the body and reduces the burden of the liver system
Toxins in each of the organ in your body and bloodstream will be gradually reduced. The oxygen level will improve and you will feel more energetic.
At this time, the toxic level in the body will be drastically reduced. Your personal wellbeing will improve and you will have a glowing and radiant complexion.
Regulates the hormone system and alleviates hormonal imbalance. This will prevent ruddy skin tone, skin pigmentation and freckles.
If you have high blood pressure and liver ailments; or other terminal diseases, these will begin to improve or be visibly alleviated.

Long-Term: Use for 45 days & above

The toxins in the body will be eradicated.
When the diseases in your body are alleviated, you will begin to recover gradually over time.
The ability to prevent the spread of diseases is effective, this will enable you to achieve natural health, long life and vitality.

No Salt, Sugar, Stabilisers, perservatives, Starch, Fat, Artificial Colour.

posted by melilea @ 10:22 PM 0 comments
Greenfield Organic - positive reactions

Important knowledge pertinent to positive reactions

Natural healing is somehow linked to organic food. Melilea Greenfield Organic offers powerful detoxification properties that stimulate and accelerate the body's natural healing functions. Our body will experience four essential internal regeneration empowerment; which are essentially, positive reactions.

The reaction of organic food within the body system: Due to the nutrients from the organic food, your body metabolism will improve and at this point in time, body reactions will include the following:i) Improvements in mental dispositionii) Improvements in the physical wellbeingiii) The body is not prone to fatigueiv) A more radiant outlookv) Better complexionvi) Stronger virilityvii) You may feel excitable and experience temporary dizziness; that is because you have become more alert and do not require so much sleep — therefore, you will not feel lethargic at all.

Melilea Greenfield Organic's detoxification functions will then begin to take effect: This is based on a natural healing philosophy that human beings become unhealthy due to toxins. The people of today are inclined to eating and drinking whenever they like. The foods that are ingested into the body may contain many chemical-based additives and even when the bowels are emptied, toxins are not fully excreted from the body. Prolonged stress and pressure, abuse of drugs and medication as well as many other factors are the source of our body's accumulated toxins. These toxins constitute a major source of many bodily ailments. If we desire our body to free from illnesses. it is imperative that we eradicate these toxins from the body. Likewise, to build a healthy body, the foundation is essentially detoxification.Melilea Greenfield Organic helps to neutralise acidity in the body with detoxification properties. Our bodily fluids will turn from being acidic to alkaline. Thus, frequency to the toilet will increase and the colour of faeces will become darker. Some may experience some form of itchiness, increased phlegm, coughing, others may experience laryngitis or runny nose, and women may experience increased menstrual flow or extended duration of the menses of delay in the timing of the menstrual cycle.
Body aches may occur: Melilea Greenfield Organic's detoxification ingredients and organic food nutrients will elevate blood circulation and stimulate the body's natural recovery process. Nevertheless, this may result in the weaker areas of the body to experience some form of aches of aggravate existing pains. However, these are temporary and will disappear after a few days.
Regeneration of the state of inactivity in body cell: Melilea Greenfield Organic's detoxification properties and its organic food nutrients are truly effective. These will stimulate natural healing within the body; during this process, your body is being regulated and you may experience sleepiness and fatigue but it will disappear swiftly.

Melilea Greenfield Organic's positive reactions and ease of consumption:

Melilea Greenfield Organic offers exceptionally powerful detoxification functions and will stimulate the weaker internal organs in the body towards rejuvenation. For those who are frail, the pain that is experienced may last between 3-7 days and will disappear eventually. Subsequently, the body will become healthier and there is no need to worry.

posted by melilea @ 10:19 PM 0 comments

Greenfield Organic Nutrition & Revitalex. 5 STAR ZERO POLLUTION ORGANIC HEALTH FOOD. Organic fasting, detoxifies the toxins in body cells, activates body cells, provides balanced nutrients, strengthens the endocrine system, promotes metabolism, prevents modern diseases, maintains good health and longevity, slimming and beauty, strengthens immune system, strengthens physical condition. The rudiments of organic healing are based on pollution-free food. There are made from more than 20 types of 5-star Zero-pollution ingredients including organic golden grains, organic vegetables, organic fruits and organic herbs. Notable organic food experts have come together to conduct in-depth research and analysis of such botanicals and have uncovered the following fact - that such organic botanicals offer wonderful detoxification functions besides expelling unwanted fat from the body. The result is total cleansing and detoxification of the whole body. At the same time, these can also provide nourishment to the body, activate body cells and promote the regeneration of the body system, balance the hormonal system, strengthen the immune system and also enhance the body's integral organs, while maintaining ideal health equilibrium. All unwanted wastes would be naturally excreted from the body, propelling the body system towards an optimum state of health. It has been proven that only Melilea Greenfield Organic is highly effective in promoting such integral functions for the body. Long-term consumption is the essence of a complete cleansing regimen for the body. After all, Melilea Greenfield Organic products are the mainstay in the form of internal body cleasing agents, containing the most potent detoxification agents. How to take: Add 1-3 heaped tablespoons of Organic Nutrition & Revitalex to a 12-ounce glass of water, juice or soya milk (1-3 times a day). Mix well and drink immediately. Then drink an additional glass of water or juice. We are a distributor of Melilea International's products. The products are organics in nature and is rated 5-star by the FDA in US. Thousands of people have taken and benefited from it. Testimonials from clients include detoxification effects, healthier and more radiant physical outlook, weight-loss within days, healing from diseases and pains. It can be taken for health purposes and as food replacement. Interest buy organic with soya bean powder get free member = RM198.80 Contact number: 019-9262213

posted by melilea @ 1:55 AM 0 comments
Let's work together...

Let’s work hand in hand toward a better future

First of all, I would like to wish all our business associates a progressive year ahead. Your support has been truly important and together we can strive for higher achievements.
For the past one year, the Company has moved at a very rapid pace. With 21 Melilea Inner & Outer Beauty Centers under its wings, Melilea has grown from strength to strength. In addition, Melilea is also stretching its arms to the neighboring countries, such as Singapore. This has proven that distributors and customers believe and have great confidence in the dedicated management, its excellent products and its reward system.

In the meantime, in collaboration with Global Netplus, Melilea is participating directly in the development of its business associates by conducting comprehensive training and courses to build a new breed of business partners armed with advanced network business developments skills.

As a Company that is growing so rapidly, Melilea constantly bring forth new ideas, making advances and progression that is in line with the concept of Melilea Inner & Outer Beauty, as well as to take concerted effort to introduce high quality products to enable more people enjoy a healthy lifestyle.

Last but not least, our congratulations on what you have achieved so far, Let us work hand in hand for a brighter future.

posted by melilea @ 12:22 AM 0 comments
Friday, June 10, 2005
About Greenfield Organic

well is the food that every human supposed to eat. Do you know about living enzym? Its not a medicine but ancient 5 star organic cultivation that claim to be the fastest detoxifier in the world. Its actually pure vegetation that bring the healing theraphy called naturopathy. Aanybody who consumed this as perscription will feel the inner cleansing which will bring also the outer beauty of your skin. A lot of hard testimonial has been recovered thhroughout the world for further info pls contact Zabree at 019-9262213.

posted by melilea @ 11:58 PM 0 comments
Testimonial - one month result

Hi... i just get to know of this wonderful product one month ago. first i doubted it because it was just too good to be true. but after i told myself just to try it for one month, the results are amazing. next week, i will started to introduce it to my friends around because i believe in it. if you guys still doubt it, please...just buy the product and try it for one month. only one month i ask of you. the product will speak for itself. you will see changes in you. for me, the changes are lose in weight and the waste that came out from and horrible looking!!! i\\\'m a college student in kuching, so food always a problem. thanks to this product, i dun have to worry about my diet anymore. if there are no food in cafe, all i have to do is to drink one cup of greefield organic..and i\\\'m refresh. i wasn\\\'t sleepy anymore in class and i didn\\\'t sleep as long as i used to be. the most wonderful thing about this product that i see that all other direct selling lack of is the greefield organic is NOT a supplement. it can totally replace you meal. isn\\\'t it wonderful??? to all of you who didn\\\'t believe...just try if for one month. if it doesn\\\'t work out, i will keep my mouth shut. just one month...and the product will speak for itself. thanks... call now 019-9262213.

posted by melilea @ 11:55 PM 0 comments
Singkir TOKSIN dalam badan

Makanan yang kita makan semenjak dari dahulu telah menyebabkan terhimpunnya TOKSIN didalam badan kita iaitu di usus.Kos yang tinggi diperlukan bagi membersihkan usus dari TOKSIN.

Cara terbaik adalah dengan memakan makanan yang dari bahan yang 100% organik.Organik adalah sayuran yang tidak membesar dengan menggunakan baja atau bahan2 kimia bagi tujuan penyuburan.Hanya sayuran yang membesar dengan bahan asli dari tanah sahaja diketegorikan sebagai organik.MELILIA adalah sebuah syarikat yang telah membawa produk yang 100% dari sayuran organik telah memasarkannya di Malaysia pada awal 2004.telah terbukti kebersanannya untuk membuang TOKSIN dari badan kita.

Kesannya dapat dirasai setelah sebulan meminum produk tersebut.Masalah-masalah berikut adalah antara yang dapat diatasi iaitu rambut gugur,jerawat,nafas berbau,berat badan,kencing manis,darah tinggi dan berbagai-berbagi lagi penyakit .

Nikmatilah hidup yang lebih menyegarkan setelah kesihatan kita memuaskan.

posted by melilea @ 10:04 PM 0 comments
Function Of Greenfield Organic

We are supplier of Greenfield Organic!

On this home page,

we'll introduce our product of Greenfield Organic.

Function Of Greenfield Organics :

A huge bottle of Greenfield Organic (Nutrition & Revitalex). Ideal for all ages & condition KK Organic Nutrition & Revitalex can be consumed by everyone: - Healthy adults - Cancer patients - Neurasthenia - Insomnia - Prenatal, postnatal - weak immune system - health-conscious - longevity seekers - constipation, ha - overweight or underweight - Rheumatism, arthritis, varicosity - Weak liver, intestines and stomach - senile plaque, freckles, pimples - Regular period, menopause - Before or after surgery - Preaging, general weakness - Patients of chronic diseases Directions: Add 1-3 heaped tablespoons of Organic Nutrition & Revitalex to a 12-ounce glass of water, juice or soya milk (1-3 times a day). Mix well and drink immediately. Then drink an additional glass of water or juice. After you have tried it, you can definately feel the difference in you..

Join me as a pioneer team!!!

Malang 085233220688
posted by melilea @ 9:56 PM 0 comments


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