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Item Drop List
This is a discussion on Item Drop List within the Cabal Main - Discussions / Questions forum part of the Cabal Online category; Hi, there are many lists about current drops, but I haven't found a good one for now. So I decided ...


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Old 01-17-2009, 02:59 #1
Retired Mod

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Post Item Drop List

there are many lists about current drops, but I haven't found a good one for now.
So I decided to make my own list.

If you have corrections / adds: Please post them to make this list more useful.

If you are searching a specific item: Ctrl + F and search for your item.

I will list only the important drops,
since noone wants to know that a nipperlug can drop a battlehelm +5.

Epaulet of Fighter/Sage/Guard +3:
- Medium till higher level monster on all 3 start towns

Epaulet of Fighter/Sage/Guard +4:
- Port Lux (Dark Blader)

Epaulet of Fighter/Sage/Guard +5:
- Patren Patren Quest Dungeon

Epaulet of Fighter/Sage/Guard +6:
- Undead Ground (Spector, Wraith, Death Giants)
- Ruina Station (Chests)
- Volcanic Citadel (Chests)
- Tower of the Dead b2f (Chests)
- Tower of the Dead b1f (Chests)

Epaulet of Fighter/Sage/Guard +7:
- Volcanic Citadel (First Legacy Chest, Last Legacy Chest)
- Lakeside Boss (Berderk Faello)
- Forgotten Temple b1f (Chests)
- Altar of Sienna: B1F
- Altar of Sienna: B2F

SIG Metal Epaulet of Fighter/Sage/Guard +7,5:
- Altar of Sienna: B2F

Epaulet of Fighter/Sage/Guard +8:
- Forgotten Temple b1f (Chests)
- Forbidden Island (Chests)
- Forgotten Temple b2f (Monster, Chests)
- Pontus Ferrum (Bosses, Monster on Pluma's floor)

- Lakeside Boss (Berderk Faello)
- Forgotten Ruin (All 4 Bosses)
- Ruina Station (Side Chests)
- Tower of the Dead B1F (Vampire Legacy Chest + Megaherphs Legacy Chest)
- Tower of the Dead B2F
- Volcanic Citadel (1st Legacy Chest and Last Legacy Chest)
- Forgotten Temple B1F

Blue Bike
- Forgotten Ruin (All 4 Bosses)
- Ruina Station (Side Chests)
- Tower of the Dead B1F (Vampire Legacy Chest + Megaherphs Legacy Chest)
- Volcanic Citadel (1st Legacy Chest, Last Legacy Chest)
- Forgotten Temple B1F
- Lake in Dusk (Faello)

Bracelets / Earrings

Adept Bracelet / Earring Of Bless +0/+1
- Lake in Dusk (Bosses)
- Ruina Station (Chests)

Bracelet Of Fighter / Bracelet Of Sage / Bracelet Of Seven Coins / Extortion Bracelet
Earring Of Guard / Vampiric Earring / Force Regeneration Earring / Earring Of Seven Coins +0/+1/+2/+3/+4

- Lakeside (Monster, Boss)
- Mutant Forest (Monster)
- Volcanic Citadel (Monster, Chests)
- Tower of the Dead - B2F (Monster, Chests)
- Forgotten Temple - B1F (Monster, Chests)

Bracelet Of Fighter / Bracelet Of Sage / Bracelet Of Seven Coins / Extortion Bracelet
Earring Of Guard / Vampiric Earring / Force Regeneration Earring / Earring Of Seven Coins +5/+6/+7

- Forbidden Island (also +4, not +7)
- Altar of Sienna B1F (also +4, not +7)
- Altar of Sienna B2F (also +4, not +7)
- Forgotten Temple B2F

? / ? Mana/HP Absorb Bracelet / Protection Earring / Vital Earring / Evasion Earring +0/+1/+2

- Forgotten Ruin (Monster)
- Mutant Forest (Monster)
- Tower of the Dead - B2F (Monster)


Port Lux

- Shapes and Discs Level 2 (Easy to farm at Stone Golems)
- Many Titanium 1slot items at Stone Golems

Fort Ruina

- Shapes and Discs Level 2 (Easy to farm at Mechazards/Hounds/Auto Cannons-EX)
- Map Part (Mechazards, Mechabuffalos, Auto Cannon-EX)
- Muster Card: Ruina Station (Auto Cannon-EX)

Lake in Dusk (Map Part)
Famous for amp drops

- Shapes and Discs Level 2
- Earring Of Bless +0/+1 (Bosses)
- Adept Bracelets +0/+1 (Bosses)
- Shadow Epaulet of Fighter/Sage/Guard +5 (Monster, Bosses)
- Many Titanium 1slot (Monster, Bosses)
- Many Shadowtitanium 1slot (Monster, Bosses)
- Crafted Shadowtitanium (Monster, Bosses)
- Blue Bike (only from last boss Zigdris Faello)
- Slot Extender Medium (Zigdris Faello)

Ruina Station (Muster Card: Ruina Station)

- Shapes and Discs Level 3
- Titanium, Shadowtitanium, Osmium
- Epaulet of Fighter/Sage/Guard +6
- Plasma Coating Kit
- Machinery Head
- Unknown Machine Part

- Blue Bike / RW3
- Shadowtita/Aqua Weapons
- Upgrade Core High
- Adept Bracelet +0/+1
- Earring Of Bless +0/+1

Undead Ground

- Shapes and Discs Level 3
- Sword Shape Lv4
- Formula Card 30 (Lihorn Zombies)
- Muster Card: Ruina Station (especially at Lihorn Zombies)
- Epaulet of the Dead b1f (All Monster, especially Lihorn Zombies / Wraiths / Spector)
- Osmium Armor/Martial/Battle Parts 0slot/1slot/2slot

Forgotten Ruin - 4 Bosses

- Shapes and Discs Level 3
- Sword Shape Lv4
- Plate of Honour (Scorpions, Beetles, Reddish Cauda)
- Shadowtita/Aqua Weapons 0slot/1slot/2slot
- Osmium Armor/Martial/Battle Parts 0slot/1slot/2slot
- Muster Card: Forgotten Temple b1f

Distichous Mongrel, Virulent Cauda, Ancient Cockatrice, Monakus Karion:
- RW3
- Blue Bike
- Epaulet of Figher/Sage/Guard +7
- Upgrade/Force Core High
- Osmium Armour-/Martial-/Battlesuit 2slot [slots always clean]
- Redosmium Armor 0slot/1slot

Tower of the Dead B1F

- Shapes and Discs Level 2
- Extract Potions
- Shadowtitanium/Aqua Weapons 1slot/2slot
- Osmium Armor 1slot/2slot
- Osmium Weapons 1slot/2slot

- Epaulet of Fighter/Sage/Guard +6
- Osmium Weapons 1slot/2slot
- Osmium Armour 1slot/2slot
- Redosmium Armor 0slot/1slot (Legacy chest, vampire and megaherphs)
- Redosmium Weapon 0slot/1slot (Legacy chest, vampire and megaherphs)
- Shadowtitanium 1slot/2slot
- Upgrade Core High
- Extract Potions
- RW3 (Legacy chest, vampire and megaherphs)
- Blue Bike (Legacy chest, vampire and megaherphs)

Volcanic Citadel

- Shapes and Discs Level 3
- Sword Shape Lv4
- Osmium Armor 0slot/1slot
- Redosmium Armor 0slot/1slot
- Bracelets/Earrings +0/+1/+2/+3/+4

- Slot Extender Low
- Slot Extender Medium
- Epaulet of Fighter/Sage/Guard +7
- Redosmium Armor 0slot/1slot
- Redosmium Weapons 0slot/1slot
- Crafted Osmium Weapons
- Illusion Coral / Infernal Ruby
- Upgrade Core High

(Only the archer and last chest will drop the good items)

Tower of the Dead B2F

- Shapes and Discs Level 3
- Sword Shape Lv4
- Osmium Weapons 0slot/1slot/2slot
- Osmium Armor 0slot/1slot/2slot
- Redosmium Weapons 0slot/2slot
- Redosmium Armor 0slot/1slot
- Any Bracelet/Earring +0/+1/+2/+3/+4

- RW3 (Legacy Chest, especially from the Trolls)
- Epaulet of Fighter/Sage/Guard +7 (Legacy Chest, especially from the Trolls)
- Epaulet of Fighter/Sage/Guard +6
- Crafted Osmium Weapons/Armor of Destruction, Deathblow, Guard
- Crafted Mithril (Legacy Chest, especially from the Trolls)
- Bracelets: Fighter/Sage +2/+3/+4
- Earrings: Guard/Vampiric +2/+3/+4
- Upgrade Core High
- Osmium Armor 1slot/2slot
- Osmium Weapons 1slot/2slot
- Redosmium Armor 1slot
- Redosmium Weapons 1slot

Lakeside (1 Boss)
Divided into 3 parts: LS1, LS2, LS3

- Shapes and Discs Level 3
- Sword Shape Lv4
- Osmium Weapons
- Redosmium Weapons, Armor
- Seal of Darkness
- Muster Card: Forgotten Temple b1f
- Bracelets and Earrings +2/+3/+4

Boss - Berderk Faello:
- RW3
- Slot Extender High
- Epaulette of Fighter/Sage/Guard +7
- Osmium Armour-/Battle-/Martialsuit 2slots [in 1st slot: Flee Rate, Max Critical Rate, Sword Amp, Magic Amp] [2slots with hp or clean]
- Bracelets: Fighter/Sage/Extortion/7Coins +3/+4
- Earrings: Guard/Vampiric/7Coins +3/+4
- Redosmium Armor 0slot/1slot
- Upgrade Core High

Panic Cave
Divided into 3 classes: Easy, Normal, Medium

- Upgrade/Force Core
- Redosmium 0slot Crafted (Character Bound)
- Redosmium 2slot Crafted (Character Bound)

Forgotten Temple B1F
Red, Green and Blue Key give 100% the same drops.

- Shapes and Discs Level 4
- Redosium Weapons/Armor [+1,+2,+3 0slot] [+0 1slot]
- Mutant Energy Ball (Questitem for secret shop)
- Red/Green/Blue Key (Questitem for additional 4 chests)
- Muster Card: Forgotten Temple B2F
- Bracelets: Fighter/Sage/Extortion/Of Seven Coins +2/+3/+4
- Earrings: Guard/Vampiric/Force Regeneration/Of Seven Coins +2/+3/+4
- Material Core Mithril/Blue Mithril
- Quartz Core Mithril/Blue Mithril

- Epaulet of Fighter/Sage/Guard +7
- Epaulet of Fighter/Sage/Guard +8
- Blue Bike / RW3
- Redosmium Weapons/Armor 1slot
- Astral Core Mithril/Blue Mithril
- Bracelets: Fighter/Sage/Extortion/Of Seven Coins +2/+3/+4
- Earrings: Guard/Vampiric/Force Regeneration/Of Seven Coins +2/+3/+4
- Upgrade/Force Core High/Highest
- Material Core Mithril/Blue Mithril
- Quartz Core Mithril/Blue Mithril
- Crafted Mithril

Secret Shop:
- Cards to craft 1slot Mithril

Forbidden Island

- Upgrade/Force Core High/Highest
- Mithril 0slot
- SIG Metal Weapons 0slot/1slot/2slot
- SIG Metal Armor 0slot/1slot/2slot
- Crafted Redosmium Weapon/Armor 0slot/1slot/2slot
- Bracelets: Fighter/Sage/Extortion +4/+5/+6
- Earrings: Guard/Vampiric/Force Regeneration +4/+5/+6

- Epaulet of Fighter/Sage/Guard +8
- Mithril 0slot/1slot/2slot
- SIG Metal Weapons 0slot/1slot/2slot
- SIG Metal Armor 0slot/1slot/2slot
- Crafted Redosmium Weapon/Armor 0slot/1slot/2slot
- Upgrade/Force Core High/Highest
- Bracelets: Fighter/Sage/Extortion +4/+5/+6
- Earrings: Guard/Vampiric/Force Regeneration +4/+5/+6
- Earrings: Guard/Vampiric/Force Regeneration +4/+5/+6

Altar of Siena B1F

- Upgrade/Force Core Highest
- Mithril 0slot
- SIG Metal Weapons 0slot/1slot/2slot
- SIG Metal Armor 0slot/1slot/2slot
- Crafted Redosmium Weapon/Armor 0slot/1slot/2slot
- Bracelets: Fighter/Sage/Extortion +4/+5/+6
- Earrings: Guard/Vampiric/Force Regeneration +4/+5/+6

- Epaulet of Fighter/Sage/Guard +7,5(?)
- Mithril 0slot/1slot/2slot
- SIG Metal Weapons 0slot/1slot/2slot
- Crafted Redosmium Weapon/Armor 0slot/1slot/2slot
- Upgrade/Force Core Highest
- Bracelets: Fighter/Sage/Extortion +4/+5/+6
- Earrings: Guard/Vampiric/Force Regeneration +4/+5/+6

Altar of Siena B2F

- Upgrade/Force Core Highest
- Mithril 0slot
- SIG Metal Weapons 0slot/1slot/2slot
- SIG Metal Armor 0slot/1slot/2slot
- Crafted Redosmium Weapon/Armor 0slot/1slot/2slot
- Bracelets: Fighter/Sage/Extortion +4/+5/+6
- Earrings: Guard/Vampiric/Force Regeneration +4/+5/+6

- Epaulet of Fighter/Sage/Guard +7
- Epaulet of Fighter/Sage/Guard +7,5
- Mithril 0slot/1slot/2slot
- SIG Metal Weapons 0slot/1slot/2slot
- Crafted Redosmium Weapon/Armor 0slot/1slot/2slot
- Upgrade/Force Core Highest
- Bracelets: Fighter/Sage/Extortion +4/+5/+6
- Earrings: Guard/Vampiric/Force Regeneration +4/+5/+6

Forgotten Temple B2F

- Epaulet of Guard +8
- Upgrade/Force Core High/Highest
- Materials for Miracle Key Lv5
- Mithril 0slot/1slot
- Redosmium Weapons 0slot/1slot/2slot
- Redosmium Armor 0slot/1slot/2slot
- Bracelets: Fighter/Sage/Extortion +5/+6/+7 (+3 with slots)
- Earrings: Guard/Vampiric/Force Regeneration +5/+6/+7 (+3 with slots)

- Epaulet of Fighter/Sage/Guard +8
- Crafted Mithril 0slot/1slot/2slot
- Redosmium Weapons 1slot/2slot
- Redosmium Armor 1slot/2slot
- Upgrade/Force Core High/Highest
- Bracelets: Fighter/Sage/Extortion +5/+6/+7 (+3 with slots)
- Earrings: Guard/Vampiric/Force Regeneration +5/+6/+7 (+3 with slots)

Mutant Forest

- Shapes and Discs Level 4
- Crafted Mithril
- Redosmium Armor 0slot/1slot
- Redosmium Weapons 0slot/1slot#
- Seal of Darkness
- Muster Card: Forgotten Temple b1f
- Bracelets: Fighter/Sage/Extortion +2 0slot/1slot
- Earrings: Guard/Vampiric +2 0slot/1slot
- Ring of Luck +2
- Critical Ring +2
- Material Core Mithril/Blue Mithril
- Quartz Core Mithril/Blue Mithril

Secret Shop:
- Cards to craft 0slot Mithril

Altar of Sienna: B1F

- SIG Metal Weapons/Armor 0slot/1slot/2slot
- SIG Metal Epaulettes (+7,5)
- Upgrade/Force Core High/Highest
- Crafted Redosmium Weapon/Armor 1slot/2slot
- Bracelets: Fighter/Sage/Extortion +4/+5/+6
- Earrings: Guard/Vampiric/Force Regeneration +4/+5/+6

- SIG Metal Weapons/Armor 0slot/1slot/2slot
- SIG Metal Epaulettes (+7,5)
- Crafted Redosmium Weapon/Armor 1slot/2slot
- Upgrade/Force Core High/Highest
- Bracelets: Fighter/Sage/Extortion +4/+5/+6
- Earrings: Guard/Vampiric/Force Regeneration +4/+5/+6

Pontus Ferrum (6 Bosses)

- Crafted Mithril
- Muster Card Forgotten Temple b1f
- Muster Card Forgotten Temple b2f
- Material Core Mithril/Blue Mithril
- Quartz Core Mithril/Blue Mithril

2x Magnus Penna, 2x Gravis Rota, Quadra, Pluma:
- Crafted Mithril
- Upgrade/Force Core High/Highest
- Redosmium Weapon 1slot/2slot
- Redosmium Armor 1slot/2slot
- Plasma Coating Kit
- Material Core Mithril/Blue Mithril
- Quartz Core Mithril/Blue Mithril

- Epaulet of Fighter/Sage/Guard +8 [I guess rumor]

*Redosmium Armor = Mystic & Shineguard & Teragrace
*Redosmium Weapon = Redosmium & Topaz
*Osmium Weapon = Osmium & Lapis

Formula Cards
Basic Craft Lv 1
FC 01 - HP Potion LV2 - Port Lux (NPC: Core Alchemist)
FC 02 - HP Potion LV3 - Port Lux (NPC: Core Alchemist)
FC 03 - MP Potion LV2 - Port Lux (NPC: Core Alchemist)
FC 04 - MP Potion LV3 - Port Lux (NPC: Core Alchemist)
FC 05 - Epaulet of Proof +0 - Port Lux (NPC: Core Alchemist)

Basic Craft Lv 2
FC 06 - Concentration Potion Lv1 - Undead Ground (Lihorn Zombies)
FC 07 - Reflex Potion Lv1 -
FC 08 - Vital Potion Lv1 -
FC 09 - Sharpness Potion Lv1 -
FC 10 - Manacondense Potion Lv1 - Undead Ground (Lihorn Zombies)
FC 11 - HP Potion LV2 - Port Lux Fort Ruina (NPC: Core Alchemist)
FC 12 - HP Potion LV3 - Port Lux Fort Ruina (NPC: Core Alchemist) -
FC 13 - MP Potion LV2 - Port Lux Fort Ruina (NPC: Core Alchemist) -
FC 14 - MP Potion LV3 - Port Lux Fort Ruina (NPC: Core Alchemist) -
FC 15 - Epaulet of Proof +1 - Fort Ruina (NPC: Core Alchemist)

Basic Craft Lv 3
FC 16 - Vital Regen. Potion Lv1 -
FC 17 - -
FC 18 - Hardness Potion Lv1 -
FC 19 - Strike Potion Lv1 -
FC 20 - -
FC 21 - -
FC 22 - Return Stone - Fort Ruina (NPC: Core Alchemist)
FC 23 - HP Potion Lv2-
FC 24 - HP Potion Lv3 -
FC 25 - MP Potion Lv2 -
FC 26 - MP Potion Lv3 -
FC 27 - -
FC 28 - -
FC 29 - -
FC 30 - Epaulet of Proof +2 - Fort Ruina (NPC: Core Alchemist)

Basic Craft Lv 4
FC 31 - -
FC 32 - Fury Potion Lv1 -
FC 33 - Concentration Potion Lv2 -
FC 34 - Reflex Potion Lv2 -
FC 35 - Vital Potion Lv2 -
FC 36 - Sharpness Potion Lv2 -
FC 37 - Manacondense Potion Lv2 -
FC 38 - HP Potion Lv2 -
FC 39 - HP Potion Lv3 -
FC 40 - Return Stone -
FC 41 - MP Potion Lv2 -
FC 42 - MP Potion Lv3 -
FC 43 - -
FC 44 - -
FC 45 - -
FC 46 - -
FC 47 - -
FC 48 - -
FC 49 - -
FC 50 - Epaulet of Proof +3 - Undead Ground (Lihorn Zombies)

Basic Craft Lv 5
FC 51 - Upgrade Core Crystal -
FC 52 - Force Core Crystal -
FC 53 - Extract Potion STR -
FC 54 - Extract Potion DEX -
FC 55 - Extract Potion INT -
FC 56 - C.A Unit - Regard for H.Age - Forgotten Temple B1F
FC 57 - -
FC 58 - -
FC 59 - -
FC 60 - Good Luck Potion Lv1 -
FC 61 - -
FC 62 - -
FC 63 - Vital Regen. Potion Lv2 -
FC 64 - -
FC 65 - Hardness Potion Lv2 -
FC 66 - Strike Potion Lv2 -
FC 67 - -
FC 68 - -
FC 69 - -
FC 70 - -
FC 71 - -
FC 72 - -
FC 73 - -
FC 74 - -
FC 75 - Epaulet of Proof +4 - Forgotten Ruins (Cockatrice/Hexscyther)

Basic Craft Lv 6
FC 76 - -
FC 77 - Plasma Circuit -
FC 78 - Extender Circuit -
FC 79 - Glory Potion Lv1 -
FC 80 - Astral Core Mithril -
FC 81 - Good Luck Potion Lv 2 -
FC 82 - -
FC 83 - -
FC 84 - Fury Potion Lv2 - Tower of the Dead B2F
FC 85 - Concentration Potion Lv3 -
FC 86 - Reflex Potion Lv3 -
FC 87 - Vital Potion Lv3 -
FC 88 - Sharpness Potion Lv3 - Tower of the Dead B2F
FC 89 - Manacondense Potion Lv3 -
FC 90 - Slot Extender High - Mutant Forest and higher
FC 91 - Plasma Plug -
FC 92 - -
FC 93 - -
FC 94 - -
FC 95 - Epaulet of Proof +5 - Forgotten Ruin (Blade Peryton)

Basic Craft Lv 7
FC 96 - Upgrade Core Medium - Ruina Station (Mecha Bear, 3rd boss)
FC 97 - Slot extender Low - FGR monster behind Cockatrice
FC 98 - Sword Master Potion -
FC 99 - Magic Master Potion -
FC 100 - Astral Core Blue Mithril -
FC 101 - Glory Potion Lv2 -
FC 102 - -
FC 103 - Evasion Potion -
FC 104 - Vital Regeneration Potion Lv3 -
FC 105 - -
FC 106 - Hardness Potion Lv3 -
FC 107 - Strike Potion Lv3 -
FC 108 - -
FC 109 - -
FC 110 - Epaulet of Proof +6 - Forgotten Temple B1F (Monster, Chests)

Basic Craft Lv 8
FC 111 - Force Core High -
FC 112 - Upgrade Core High -
FC 113 - Plasma Coating Kit -
FC 114 - Slot Extender Medium -
FC 115 - -
FC 116 - Glory Potion Lv3 -
FC 117 - -
FC 118 - -
FC 119 - -
FC 120 - Epaulet of Proof +7 - Forgotten Temple B1F (Monster, Chests)

Basic Craft Lv 9
FC 121 - -
FC 122 - -
FC 123 - -
Perfect Coating Kit / Slot Extender High / Perfect Core


Originally Posted by Cylen
Level 120 Runes

* Exp
1. Lakeside: Iron Golem / Bloody Orc
* Skill Exp
1. Pontus Ferrum
2. Forgotten Temple B2F
* Party Exp
1. Altar of Siena
2. Mutant Forest: Ectoleaves/Brannies/Gnolls/Mossites
* Pet Exp
1. Lakeside 3: Iron Gargoyle/Golem
2. Forgotten Temple B1F
3. Pontus Ferrum: Brachium

Level 123 Runes

* Alz Drop Amount
1. EoD B1F: General Zombie Pit
2. EoD B2F
* Alz Drop Rate
1. Forgotten Temple B1F
* Alz Bomb Rate
1. Lakeside: Bloody Ogres
2. Pontus Ferrum: All Mobs
3. EoD B1F
4. EoD B2F

Level 126 Runes

* Attack Rate
1. Volcanic Citadel: Dark Knight/Phalanx
2. EoD B1F
3. EoD B2F
* Defence Rate
1. Lakeside : Gargoyle / Orc
2. Forbidden Island

Level 129 Runes

* Down Resist
1. EoD B2F
* Knockback Resist
1. Lakeside: Dark Minotaurus / Iron Golem
2. Forbidden Island
* Stun Resist
1. Volcanic Citadel : Dark Assassin
2. EoD B2F
3. Forgotten Temple B1F

Level 132 Runes

* STR increase
1. EoD B1F
* INT increase
1. EoD B2F: Chest (last)
2. Lakeside: Harpy Warrior / Dark Minotaurus
* DEX increase
1. Lakeside: Iron Gargoyle
2. Volcanic Citadel: Chest

Level 135 Runes

* HP increase
1. Pontus Ferrum: Cornus, first mobs, Palida
* MP increase
1. Forgotten Temple B2F
2. Lakeside: Bloody Orcs/Mages

Level 138 Runes

* Attack increase
1. Altar of Siena: Chest (last)
* Magic increase
1. Altar of Siena: Chest (last)
* Defence increase
1. Mutant Forest

Level 141 Runes

* HP Absorb Limit
1. FT B1F
* MP Absorb Limit
1. Mutant Forest: All mobs
2. EoD B1F
* HP Absorb
1. Forgotten Temple B2F: Chest
2. Forbidden Island: Chest
* MP Absorb
1. Mutant Forest: All mobs
2. Altar of Siena
3. EoD B1F

Level 144 Runes

* Sword Amp
1. Pontus Ferrum: Trickor
2. EoD B2F
* Magic Amp
1. Forgotten Temple B1F Last Chest
2. Forgotten Temple B2F
3. Pontus Ferrum: Cornus

Last edited by -Chrome-; 04-06-2010 at 00:56.
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Old 01-17-2009, 11:49 #2
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I find it very useful . The other ones in official forum are old . The game has been updated since then and some more things were added . Also this is more clear . Congratz
Last edited by d'Jew; 01-17-2009 at 11:51.
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Old 01-17-2009, 23:48 #3
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Forgotten Temple B1F
-EOX+8 ,any boss chest(untill now only EOG+8 dropped,others to be proven)
Forgotten Temple B2F
EOX+8:any boss chest.
Ubgrade Core Highest:any chest.
Ubgrade core High:Any chest /mob.
Need to think to more ^^.Ill try to help you with updates as much as I can :P
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Old 01-18-2009, 00:46 #4
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Aww, totally forgot temple b2f, thanks for reminding me.
But I had already temple b2f in the epaulette drop list^^
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Old 01-19-2009, 23:33 #5
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Epaulet of Fighter+4:
can drop from Dark Bladers in Port Lux.
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Old 01-20-2009, 00:44 #6
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Originally Posted by weird0ne View Post
Epaulet of Fighter+4:
can drop from Dark Bladers in Port Lux.
Small but thanks
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Old 01-21-2009, 14:47 #7
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Epaulet of Fighter/Sage/Guard +6:
- Undead Ground (Spector, Wraith)
- Ruina Station (Chests)
- Volcanic Citadel (Chests)
- Tower of the Dead b2f (Chests)
- Tower of the Dead b1f (Chests)

Death Giant gives you EOG & EOF +6 as well
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Old 01-21-2009, 15:56 #8
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@ FT B2F, chests can drop BOF/BOS/BOSC/+5+6+7,earings ,+5+6+7
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Old 01-21-2009, 22:02 #9
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Originally Posted by MeteorBB View Post
Epaulet of Fighter/Sage/Guard +6:
- Undead Ground (Spector, Wraith)
- Ruina Station (Chests)
- Volcanic Citadel (Chests)
- Tower of the Dead b2f (Chests)
- Tower of the Dead b1f (Chests)

Death Giant gives you EOG & EOF +6 as well
Originally Posted by anduRO View Post
@ FT B2F, chests can drop BOF/BOS/BOSC/+5+6+7,earings ,+5+6+7
Ty, added.
(forgot again that ft b2f drops ._.)
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Old 01-23-2009, 10:29 #10
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Pluma doesn't drop eox+8.
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