
Menampilkan postingan dari Juni, 2010


JADA, Vol. 130, January 1999 73 dramatic rise in adult orthodontic treatment include increased social awareness of the availability of orthodontic treatment for adults, an increased appreciation of how orthodontics can facilitate other dental treatment to maintain the dentition, and improvements in orthodontic appliances. A key factor in an adult’s decision to seek orthodontic treatment is the amount and quality of information available.7 Although most orthodontic treatment is performed by specialists, the general dentist plays an important role in During the past 20 years, orthodontic treatment for adults has become much more commonplace.1,2 The proportion of orthodontic patients in the United States who are adults rose from approximately 5 percent in 1970 to a peak of 25 percent in 1990.3-6 During the past few years, the proportion of adult patients has dropped to around 15 percent, although the absolute number has remained constant, at about 600,000. In some areas of the country, pa...


December 2007 ■ Journal of Dental Education 1599 Book Reviews Students, residents, and practitioners of orthodontics will be extremely pleased with the arrival of the fourth edition of William Proffit’s Contemporary Orthodontics, coauthored by Henry Fields and David Sarver. Since its initial appearance in 1986, this popular book has become the orthodontic standard in undergraduate and postdoctoral dental education. Indeed, it is the best-selling orthodontic text, used by most dental schools, and has been translated into at least fifteen languages. The reader’s first impression when perusing the text is the outstanding quality of the new full-color design, which includes more than 1,400 clinical photographs and illustrations. In a side-by-side comparison of the third edition with the fourth, it is remarkable to see how much the excellent, newly added color reproductions help to improve the readability of the book. The organization of the chapters, with basic material covered first, foll...

anggaran realisasi

LAMPIRAN IV PERATURAN PEMERINTAH REPUBLIK INDONESIA NOMOR 24 TAHUN 2005 TANGGAL 13 JUNI 2005 STANDAR AKUNTANSI PEMERINTAHAN PERNYATAAN NO. 02 LAPORAN REALISASI ANGGARAN DAFTAR ISI Paragraf PENDAHULUAN------------------------------------------------------------------------- 1-5 Tujuan ---------------------------------------------------------------------------------- 1-2 Ruang Lingkup ----------------------------------------------------------------------- 3-5 MANFAAT INFORMASI REALISASI ANGGARAN ---------------------------- 6-7 DEFINISI ---------------------------------------------------------------------------------- I8 STRUKTUR LAPORAN REALISASI ANGGARAN ---------------------------- 9-10 PERIODE PELAPORAN--------------------------------------------------------------- 11 TEPAT WAKTU-------------------------------------------------------------------------- 12 ISI LAPORAN REALISASI ANGGARAN ----------------------------------------- 13-16 INFORMASI YANG DISAJIKAN DALAM LAPORAN REALISASI AN...

anggaran dan realisasi

LAMPIRAN IV PERATURAN PEMERINTAH REPUBLIK INDONESIA NOMOR 24 TAHUN 2005 TANGGAL 13 JUNI 2005 STANDAR AKUNTANSI PEMERINTAHAN PERNYATAAN NO. 02 LAPORAN REALISASI ANGGARAN DAFTAR ISI Paragraf PENDAHULUAN------------------------------------------------------------------------- 1-5 Tujuan ---------------------------------------------------------------------------------- 1-2 Ruang Lingkup ----------------------------------------------------------------------- 3-5 MANFAAT INFORMASI REALISASI ANGGARAN ---------------------------- 6-7 DEFINISI ---------------------------------------------------------------------------------- I8 STRUKTUR LAPORAN REALISASI ANGGARAN ---------------------------- 9-10 PERIODE PELAPORAN--------------------------------------------------------------- 11 TEPAT WAKTU-------------------------------------------------------------------------- 12 ISI LAPORAN REALISASI ANGGARAN ----------------------------------------- 13-16 INFORMASI YANG DISAJIKAN DALAM LAPORAN REALISASI AN...